Thursday, November 3, 2016

Wrestling God

                We can all relate to the story of Jacob wrestling with God in the dark.  Genesis 32:22-32 tells us how Jacob sent everyone and everything across the river.  He was left alone to think about the dilemma he was in.  He just ran away from his father-in-law and was going straight towards his brother that wanted to kill him.  He had no choice but to face one or the other and going back was not an option.  Facing his brother was his only option. 
He had already sent his servants with animals as a gift.  He then sent his wives to meet Esau first.  Jacob had done everything he could in preparation for his meeting and eventual death at the hands of Esau.  He knew his days were numbered and had nowhere to run.  So he camped alone.  He was physically and emotionally exhausted.  All he wanted was one more night of rest before meeting Esau.  That’s when God showed up and ruined his night or so he thought.  Jacob wrestled with God all night and just before dawn Jacob gave up.  His submission to God was what ultimately won him the blessing from God.

                How many times have we seen things in our life that didn’t look good and we try to solve the problem ourselves?  We work and plan ahead to be prepared for a situation only to see it fall apart.  Then we are left alone in the dark exhausted from all issues only wanting to rest.  Even when God shows up, we still want to do things our way.  We fight with God about the best way to solve our issues.  Finally in the end we must give up and allow God to take control of the situation.  Only then will a situation turn into a blessing.  It may not be resolved the way we want and, just like Jacob, there may be some lingering pain, but it will still be a blessing.

                God will always show up in the darkest times.  It’s at this time that we must choose our path.  Do we continue to fight God to show that we know best or do we submit to His will and receive the blessings?  The situation will be resolved, but will it be a blessing to someone?  The CHOICE IS YOURS.

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