Friday, November 4, 2016

Answering The Call

      In today’s society there is a phone in just about everyone’s pocket or purse.  Everyone has instant access to people all over the world.  You can call anyone, anywhere with the touch of just a few buttons.  So why is it so hard for people to hear God when He calls?

                Yes, I know it would make life easy on everyone if God would pick up His I phone and face time you.  Then you would have no excuse for not answering His call.  Let’s be honest, Moses came the closest to face time with God since Adam and Eve.  The whole burning bush thing would make anyone listen to what God had to say.  But even Moses felt unprepared for the request put before him.

                We are really no different than Moses.  There is never enough preparation to accomplish any task God gives you without Him leading the way.  He may never call you to become a missionary or lead thousands in a tent revival, but He will call you to do something that will glorify Him.  Usually the things that God calls you to do will be outside of your comfort zone.  That is when you truly know that God is calling you for great things.  Moses probably never thought he would stand at the edge of the sea and part it to allow people to cross on dry land.  There was no way he could prepare for that or be in his comfort zone knowing all the lives of the people were in his hands.  Only God could prepare him for that and make that situation his comfort zone. 

                Everyone has a calling from God.  Just as with Moses, we will not be prepared and it will be outside of our comfort zone.  Be ready when God texts your heart with the call to glorify Him and respond with “YES LORD, YES!

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