Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Ode To A Godly Wife

She is not God’s gift to men.
She is God’s gift to a man.
It just so happens that man is me.
She is the solution to problems that I didn’t know I had.
She willingly prays for me on a daily basis.
Even in her weakest moments she is a rock to me.
There is not a day go by that she doesn’t amaze me.
As a mother, she is loving and kind.
Her kids look up to her in admiration and for support.
One day, when she goes home, she will reach perfection.
But for today, she is perfect for me.
When tempers flare, her love for me is still present.
She shows me what it means to be filled with God’s Love.
And when the day comes, that we are no longer together
Always remember that my love for you is never ending.
As I said, you are God’s gift to me
And I never want to take anything He gives me for granted.
God loved me enough to bestow you to me

And now I hope that we can show the world His love through us.

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