Thursday, November 24, 2016

Personal Revival

Growing up in the south we always enjoyed when the church would have a revival.  This was a time when the church would come together for a week of services with a guest pastor.  These services were always a chance to recharge the batteries and light the fires for ministry again.  This was also a time that people were invited to the church for the first time.  Most congregations saw an influx of people from these revivals.  And the week usually concluded on Sunday with a dinner on the grounds.  These were always good times to be around the church.
                But where have all the revivals gone?  It seems like there are fewer and fewer churches desire to have revivals anymore.  They tend to keep business as usual and want to maintain the status quo of their weekly church meetings.  Are churches afraid of starting something within the congregation that they can’t control?  Are pastors scared to bring in someone else to teach their flock?  Whatever the case may be, there needs to be a revival started in every church.  It is time that we return to a time when people come together more often than the regularly scheduled times.  It is time to break out of the rut of predictability and let the Holy Spirit reignite our fires.
                Where do we start to create a revival in our spirit?  The first thing we have to do is have a personal revival.  There is no way that the church will ever have a time of revival until the members within it have their own personal revival.  So how do we have a personal revival?  James 4:7-10 tells us exactly how to start.  It says, “7 Submit yourselves, then, to God.  Resist the devil, and he will flee from you. 8 Come near to God and he will come near to you.  Wash your hands, you sinners, and purify your hearts, you double-minded.  9 Grieve, mourn and wail.  Change your laughter to mourning and your joy to gloom.  10 Humble yourselves before the Lord, and he will lift you up.”  These verses make it clear what you have to do, you have to humble yourself to the Lord and resist the devil.  When we do these things on a regular basis, then we will revive our spirit and be drawn closer to God.  Our spirit will be rekindled and our desire to seek God first will be evident.  Then and only then will we be part of a greater revival for God.
                As we commit ourselves to our own renewal, we will see the Holy Spirit moving through other people.  We will see others getting deeper in their relationship with God.  And as more and more people in the church have a personal revival, the church will not have a choice but to have a corporate revival.  It will start reaching back out to the world and bringing in the lost.  We will experience a resurgence in the world.  The church will become the hospital for people that have lost all hope again.  Lost souls will have a desire to find more meaning in their life because of what the Holy Spirit is doing in the lives of people in the church. 
                Once the church starts a revival, then it will cause a revival in the world.  You will see fathers taking active rolls in their kids’ lives.  You will see the amount of fighting between different groups of people subside.  Communities will start taking pride in one another and will build each other up rather than tearing them down.  The world as a whole will become a better place.  But all this change has to come from within the church.  The political system will never be able to change the hearts of people.  Only God can make that change and the world needs to a conduit to see God.  It is time for the church to start a down home revival in the world.
                There is no time like today to start your own personal revival.  God can move mountains if we have the faith of a mustard seed.  In the world today, we need as many churches on fire for God as possible.  And the only way the church will have a revival is if the members have their own personal revival.  It is time for a mass revival in the world and every one of us are a small part of it.  Are you ready for a revival?

                Lord I come to you with revival on the heart.  Our world needs you know more than ever and I pray that you start a revival in all of us.  Today is the day and we need you to take control of the world.  I pray that everyone that reads this will look to you to revive their spirit and make them a catalyst for the church to make a push in the world.  Lord I pray that the Holy Spirit will infect all of us and light a fire for you.  Even if our wood is wet, you have the power to make the changes in our hearts to reignite us and be a burning bush for the world.  In the name of Jesus, amen.

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