Thursday, November 3, 2016

Breaking Our Bondage

 Every day we live in bondage of the world and of our OWN making.  Jesus will shake us to our core.  If we allow Him to change us, then our chains will fall off.  We now have a choice to make.  Do we: (1) Run back out in the world and start allowing our surroundings to put the chains back on or (2) stay still and praise God for the freedom He gave us.  We have the same choice today that Paul and Silas had many years ago when they were put in prison.  Their prison was a physical place where ours is spiritual. 

      Many times we stop for a moment, tip our cap towards God and run right back to our comfortable lives.  We don’t allow ourselves to give Him more than quick thank you for freeing us from our troubles.  We gladly return to being prisoners of our own makings.  We choose to give our freedom back and return to the shackles and chains that God has already removed.  Why do we choose the world over God?  The world teaches us that following God is a prison sentence.  The church takes us away from doing the things we enjoy.   The world wonders why we give up so much time going to church and doing “church stuff.”  Those are the same chains that we allow the world to enslave us with.

     But when we follow the path of Paul and Silas, we see that God will bless us in more ways than the world will ever understand.  The “church stuff” becomes the freedom our soul is longing for.  When Jesus causes the earthquake in our spiritual world and causes all the chains to fall off, don’t just tip your cap to Him.  Stand still and praise God for releasing all your burdens from you.  Sing songs of love and worship to Him for removing the bondage of sin from your life.  Give Him thanks for setting you free from the world.  Allow Him to use you to reach people that wear the chains as a badge of honor.  You never know who will be reached by being still and allowing God to work through you.  Paul and Silas showed us the way while sitting in a prison cell.  Are you willing to let the Light shine in you in the midst of turmoil and darkness?

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