Sunday, November 13, 2016

Will We See Hitler in Heaven?

                In the 1930’s Adolph Hitler rose to power in Germany using as many tricks as he could to sway votes in his favor.  Once he obtained the power, Hitler masterminded one of the worst displays of evil the world had even known.  He decided that every Jew needed to be imprisoned and eventually killed.  Hitler was able to murder over five million Jews in less than a decade of power.  Adolph Hitler was the very definition of evil.  In 1945, Hitler and his new wife, Eva Braun, committed suicide in order not to feel wrath of the world as it was crashing in around him. 

                They may have escaped the punishment of the world, but did they escape the punishment of God?  By all accounts, Adolph Hitler never accepted Jesus as his personal savior.  According to him, he was his own savior and didn’t need anyone else.  And being that he committed suicide, he committed a final sin as was leaving this world.  So according to the Bible, Hitler was cast into the burning lakes of fire known as Hell.  He chose to keep the void from God and accept whatever the consequences of his actions.
                Now let’s change history ever so slightly.  What if Hitler would have been captured instead of committing suicide?  What if, while in prison waiting on man’s punishment, Hitler would have asked for forgiveness and would have accepted Jesus into his life?  Would Adolph Hitler been able to cross the River Jordan and enter the gates of heaven?  Would he have heard the ever so sweet words that every Christian is waiting to hear?  Would he be allowed to walk on the streets of gold?  Would his mansion be any less grand than any other?

                The simple answer is yes he would be allowed to enter the gates of heaven.  But wait, he was the example of evil, how could Adolph Hitler be allowed into heaven?  God’s love and mercy extends way past the comprehension of how we think.  We don’t get to make the decisions on who gets into heaven.  If that decision were left up to us, then no one would be good enough to enter the gates.  Romans 3:23 tells us that all have sinned and have fallen short of the glory of God.  It doesn’t say that because Hitler’s sin was greater than your sin that you can get a pass and he doesn’t.  It makes perfectly clear that all have sinned.  Romans goes on to say that Jesus was sent for the atonement of all our sins.
                History doesn’t allow us to go back and correct the injustices of our world.  So we can safely assume that Adolph Hitler never asked God for forgiveness of his sins and he never accepted Jesus as his lord and savior.  But the greatest opportunity that we have is that we don’t have to make the same mistakes.  We can learn from the people that came before us and ask Jesus to live in our hearts.  We all have an opportunity to have a relationship with the one that can give us everlasting life.  Revelation 3:20 says, “20 Here I am!  I stand at the door and knock.  If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with that person, and they with me.”

                Jesus is knocking on the door of your heart.  He is standing right there waiting on you to open up your heart and allow Him in to start a relationship with you.  Your sins are no greater or no less than that of Adolph Hitler and Jesus was knocking on his heart just the same as yours.  Now is the time to open up your heart and allow Him in.  There is still blood moving through your veins, so there is still time to accept Jesus as your savior and receive the gift of everlasting life in heaven.  Please don’t wait any longer to develop a relationship with Jesus.  You are not guaranteed your next breath much less a long life.  So I ask again, are you ready to open the door of your heart and allow Jesus in?

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