Thursday, November 3, 2016

God's Seasons

  There will always be things in life that we don’t understand and probably never will.  These are the times that we have to rely on God to make sense of the chaotic life we live.  This is one definition of faith.  Right now I’m not just leaning on faith but have dove head long into it.  I am praying that God clears the paths that need clearing and makes the next season of life a joyful ride.  I may not like the decisions that need to be made over the start of this next season, but I must lean on the grace of God to make sure the decisions are part of His plan and not mine.  Ecclesiasties 3 talks about all the seasons that we will go through during our lives.  It lays out every possible thing that we will endure.  There is no time table given for these seasons and I’m coming to learn that multiple seasons could happen at once. 
                Some of the changes we go through in life are difficult pills to swallow but are joyful times rolled into one.  They are as confusing as they are rewarding.  They make you want to cry for a minute and then make you dance for joy the next breath.  These are the times that we must look to heaven and say thank you God.  He knows that when we allow His plan to work through us, then peace will be felt during the confusing seasons that we go through.  To God be all the Glory for everything that we go through in this whirlwind life we live. 
                Over the last few years, I have been given the opportunity to get to know some great people that have opened my eyes to God’s plan in the world.  They have given me the encouragement and strength to stand up and say that Jesus is Lord.  They have been there when I needed a calming voice or a vent to release my frustrations on.  I will always be grateful for the people that are around me and praying for me.  I will pray for them just as they have done for me.  When they need a hand, a shoulder or an encouraging word, I want them to know I’ll be there for them as well. 

With the changing of seasons comes the hope of great opportunity to learn and grow in God’s plan for all of our lives.  Just remember to stop and give God the praise He deserves.  Without His plan for our lives, we are just the blind leading the blind.  THANK YOU GOD FOR ALL YOU HAVE DONE, ARE DOING AND WILL CONTINUE TO DO IN MY LIFE AND ALL THE GREAT PEOPLE IN MY LIFE.

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