Saturday, November 5, 2016

Accepting The Call

                 I have developed a new passion.  I look forward to sitting down at the computer now and writing down the thoughts that God gives me.  All through college I despised writing papers or spending time working on the computer, even though I started out with a Computer Information Systems minor.  I would do everything in my power to con someone into typing all my papers. I was not very successful most of the time.  Now I get a sense of fulfillment when I get done presenting what God has given me to talk about.  I think this is my form of spreading the Word right now and hope that it reaches someone and helps them to realize there is more to life than what they can physically see.
                Allowing God to use you in whatever He needs done, is the most rewarding thing that we can do as Christians.  God calls all of us to do something for the betterment of the world around us.  Whatever we are called to do may not be noticed by the people around us or it may cause us to be put in uncomfortable places.  Sometimes He gives us a grand platform to stand on and puts us in the spot light to help spread His message.  Whichever way he chooses to call you, don’t be afraid to accept His challenge.  You never know when someone that you think is looking the other way is actually looking right at you and studying your every movement.  You may be the catalyst that sparks the fire for them to find Christ and turn their life around.  We are warned against doing things that bring praise to us verses what God calls to do to bring praise to Him in Galatians 6:8-9.  It says, “8Whoever sows to please their flesh, from the flesh will reap destruction; whoever sows to please the Spirit, from the Spirit will reap eternal life.  9 Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up.”
                 God has a master plan for the world and does not need you to fulfill that plan but He chooses to put you in the middle of things for your benefit.  The day you accept the calling on your life will be the start of a whole new life that can be more rewarding than you have ever known.  God will open doors that you thought were otherwise closed forever. He will give you the tools to accomplish anything He lays on you.  It does not matter if you are the most talented person or are the best speaker in the world, God will give you the strength and the desire to spread His word.  He will stand beside you while you do His bidding and give you a confidence that you have never had before.  God will not call you to do anything that He has not prepared you for before you start.  All you have to do is stand on the faith that He is there and will clear the way for the message to be spread. 

                I am working hard to accept the call He has put on me and in His time I will be exactly where He needs me to be.  For right now His calling for me is to pursue the ordination process through my church.  I can honestly say that this process is a little unnerving in more ways than one but He will lead me through this chapter in my life.  He will also lead anyone else down the path that He gives them when they are open to the call.  I hope and pray that when you are in your quite time with God and He lays a special task on your heart, please follow that call.  He will lead you in right direction and will make sure you have the tools needed to accomplish the plan.  Remember He does not need you to work His master plan; He wants to use His people to fulfill their lives.  Don’t be afraid to say YES LORD YES.

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