Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Following Our Passion

                The other night I ran into an old friend that had recently pursuing a dream of writing music.  As we talked, I quickly learned that his passion for music had always been there.  But his biggest hang up on pursuing his passion was
everyone around him telling him to have a “real” job.  He struggled for years with the “real” job problem.  He almost let everyone talk him out of trying something different because it didn’t fit their definition of a job.  Now I don’t know if he will ever become a great music writer or if he will, but I know that he is following his passion for what he loves.
                We as Christians should also follow the passion the Holy Spirit lays on us.  That doesn’t mean that we need to quit our nine to five jobs and jeopardize our family’s livelihood.  But if the Spirit calls you to take a leap of faith, then you should be willing to take that leap.  Because if your passion lines up with what God is calling for you then He will provide the means for you to sustain your life.  Jesus’ disciples all had “regular” jobs before they started following Him.  They had a new passion in their life that they had to pursue and didn’t care about costs associated with it.  They were following the Spirit that laid a new direction on their life.
                We all have talents that God has given us freely.  We also have the free will to choose to use those talents in any way we desire.  Some are great artists and can do things with color that make people stand in amazement.  Others are gifted with the ability to organize and lead great groups of people to accomplish difficult tasks.  While others have a mechanical gift that allows them to build great structures.  But whatever your gift is, no matter how small, use it to follow the passion God lays on you.  You will see things unfold before you when use your talents to glorify God.  Your passion in what you do will be seen by others and may even be the catalyst that leads someone to accepting Christ.
                I encourage everyone, young and old, to find the passion that lies in you and allow God to use it for His glory.  You will be blessed beyond measure when you allow God to direct you.  Even when your passion requires a lot of work, the work will seem easy and rewarding.  Keep God at the forefront when you dive in and give Him thanks when you are finished, because He is the one that gave you the ability to accomplish everything.  You can be the seed of great change when your passion meets God’s path and you allow Him to be the navigator.  Are you willing to step out on faith and allow God to use your passion for the glory of the kingdom?

                Lord I pray that whoever reads this today will follow the passion that You have laid on them and will allow you to use them for whatever You have planned.  You give us the talents to pursue the passions, so Lord I pray that we will follow through when you lead us.  Keep the fire for our tasks hot as we run into the tough spots and provide a way out of the situations we feel overwhelmed by.  Lord I give you all the glory and honor for every person that is touched by the results of a passion you have laid on me.  I am only a grain of sand on the beach without You.  Lord please guide the desires of the hearts of everyone reading this.  In your name I pray, Amen

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