Saturday, November 5, 2016


                As I sat down tonight to spend some time writing, my wife read that one the local high
schools was going to have a “race war” this week.  The students are to wear black shirts or white shirts depending on which side of the argument they align.  The teachers and faculty are asked to wear blue shirts to support all lives matter.  There needs to be a shift in the thinking of all parties involved. 
                While I was listening to her tell me about this, I saw a note that I had written some time ago.  It was simply a few verses from Colossians.  They are Colossians 1:19-20, “19 For God in all his fullness was pleased to live in Christ, 20 and through him God reconciled everything to himself.  He made peace with everything in heaven and on earth by means of Christ’s blood on the cross.”  God is the only way to peace in a society that is completely overrun by confusion.
  Christ didn’t come to die for any individual group.  He came to forgive the sins of all individually.  As we read on in Colossians, verses 21 and 22 say, “21 This includes you who were once far away from God.  You were his enemies, separated from him by your evil thoughts and actions.  22 Yet now he has reconciled you to himself through the death of Christ in his physical body.  As a result, he has brought you into his own presence, and you are holy and blameless as you stand before him without a single fault.”  As we can see, we were all enemies of God until Jesus paved the road for redemption. 
God knew that we as a society would always need a way back to Him and He provided us a savior.  That savior is needed more today in our schools than has ever been needed.  The educational community has pushed God out of almost everything they do.  But God has a bigger plan than even the educators can comprehend.  It all starts with a simple thing called prayer.  We need to pray for all the people that enter all the schools.  We must cover the schools in prayer every day as we pass them.  We must pray for all the teachers that put themselves on the front lines of educating the youth of today. 
There was an initiative that was started several years ago called “See You At The Pole”.  This is a student lead prayer time around the flag pole.  It is a great start, but it only happens once a year in most schools.  In the world today, we need strong Christians to make praying at schools a regular occurrence.  The students and faculty that walk in the building need to know that we are praying for them.  They need to see men and women of Christ are willing to put their faith into practice.  If Christians would start taking prayer back to the school, then we would see a reduction in the problems that face our kids today. 
Lord I pray for the all the students and faculty that enter the schools.  I ask that you put your hands over the buildings and everyone in them and make them a peaceful sanctuary.  I beg you Lord to remove all the tension and hostility that circulates around all the schools.  Most of all Lord, I call on the name of Jesus Christ to run Satan out of the presence of everyone in our schools.  Lord you are creator of peace and I ask that your peace be bestowed back on the schools.  In your almighty name I pray, AMEN

I want to challenge everyone that has ever been touched by teacher or has any connection with our school system to pray daily for our schools.  Satan has a strangle hold on the schools and it is time that Christ be brought back.  We cannot afford to allow Satan to continue to confuse of kids.  Let’s vow to take our schools back through the power of prayer.

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