Tuesday, July 24, 2018

Beach Repair

Have you ever walked down the beach very early in the morning?  Did you ever notice how the sand right at the water’s edge is always perfectly smooth?  As you walked down the beach, did you ever turn back to see your foot prints were gone just seconds after you made them?  As the ocean crashes down on the beach, the water stirs up the sand enough to erase all the marks that are made by man.  
                On our last trip to the beach, my daughter learned this phenomenon the hard way.  She decided to dig a hole close enough to the water to allow the waves to fill is up so she could sit in it.  She called it her hot tub at the beach.  What she did not realize was the ocean has a way of healing the beaches.  As she would quit digging and go play in the water, the waves would stir up the sand and started filling in her hot tub.  Several times she would dig it back out only to have her hole filled right back in again with sand.  Over the course of a couple hours, she finally gave up her digging and the ocean repaired the beach back to smooth again. 
                We are no different than the beach when we have God in our lives.  The world starts digging holes in our lives and we think that the scars will last forever.  There are times that people walk all over us and other times when someone just starts digging a hole right in the middle of our sole.  We see the effects of what they are doing to us and think there is no way we can ever be whole again.  When we turn the hurt and scars over to God, His love crashes over us in wave after wave until all the holes are filled in again.  Over time all the footprints from being walked on and all holes people have dug are erased.  God’s love for us gives us an opportunity to be completely made new again.
                Lord I pray tonight for anyone that has not seen the love that You have for them.  You are the great physician and You can cure the physical and emotional holes that the world digs into us.  Thank you God for repairing all the scars in my life and allowing me to be made whole again in You.  Amen